What does leadership mean from an embodied perspective? And how can we create more capacity for change utilizing wisdom of the body?
Many of us are are being called into new ways of leading and innovation, which is a process of discovery as well as discernment. Because we are human, often ambitious by design, purpose in leadership often looks different from what we anticipate, which can lead to overriding the body. But we can build relationship and look for signals from the body as a compass pointing us toward our own capacity and ideas.
Join me for this 90 min. workshop to explore some somatic practices, journaling, and breath work to deepen the conversation.
This workshop is for those who:
-Are questioning their capacity to lead in new ways.
-Navigating a decision between two paths.
-Are being called to be more visible with leadership in general.
The cost is $35, recording will be recorded for those who can’t attend. Attendance is strongly encouraged though.